1/83rd Artillery
Missing or Inactive


non-1/83rd we are trying to locate


There are 3 lists here:

Inactive - This first set of names are 1/83rd guys and were active in our group at one time but who we have not heard from in several years.

No Reply - The second list are 1/83rd guys who we have contacted but who have not responded.

Missing - The third list are 1/83rd guys and a few non-1/83rd guys. It shows who in the active 1/83rd group is looking for those guys.

All the 1/83rd names are also on the Roster.

For more information, contact Bill Taggart.

Another resource for finding missing Veterans can be found using this free service.





Years with 1/83rd

Dave Allen

B 63-67

Mike Anderson


Johnny Araiza A 70-71
John Carpenter SVC 66-67
Sylvan (Gus) Freeman B 68-69
Terry Hampton A 66-67
Royce Randle B 69-70
Gary Vigil ? 69-70
Don Walters HQ 69-70
Glenn Walters HQ 68-69
Johnny Weaver B 70-71
Andy West B 66-67


No Reply



Years with 1/83rd
Gary Abbott A 69-70
Jim Berger HQ 69-70
Bill Bottom A 66-67
Jim Engstrom C 70-71
Ed Fegenbush HQ 70-71
Jim Friske HQ 70-71
Pete Karika HQ 66-67
George Kitchin A 68-69
Dave Lamphere A 66-67
Richard Lane HQ 66-67
Roger Mull B 66-67
Jerry Parks SVC 71
Tom Pastoric HQ 70-71
John Peters B 68-69
Steve Potter A 69-70
Jim Rainey HQ 67-68
Ron Sims B 66-67
Wayne Smith SVC 69-70
Gordon Steele B 70-71
Ron Stockemer SVC 67-68
Duane Supple ? ?
Hugo Tadolini HQ 67-68
John Taylor C 66-67
Taurus West A 69-70
Lloyd Wright B 66-67
Roland Yeske A 69-70




On this list are Veterans that someone in our group is trying to locate. They are not just 83rd members but those that are in some way connected to one of our group.  If anyone has any information on these missing Vets, either follow the directions below to contact the person looking for them or contact me and I will notify the appropriate person.

Missing - former 1/83rd



Years with 1/83rd Notes Sought by
Mike Ackerman A 67-68 Possibly lives in Kenosha, WI or Chicago. Craig Castona
Lynn Beckley HQ 67-68 Possibly lives in California. Tom Bailey
Ken Burgess A 69-70   John Wetteland
Thomas Chappell A 66-67 Possibly lives in South Carolina. George Rose
Keith Franklin HQ 68-69 Possibly lives in Massachusetts. Steve Prest
Dennis Gajda HQ 68-69 Possibly lives in Massachusetts. Steve Prest
Jesus Gonzalez HQ 69 Possibly lives in Dilley, Texas Jim Harris
SSG ??? Guy B 68  SSG Guy was in "B" Battery and was Gun Chief of Gun #1.

Possibly lives in South Carolina.

George Benham
Lieut ??? Harris HQ 67-68   Tom Bailey
Howard Jones HQ
68-69 Click here for photos and other details on this person. Roger Koopman

Richard (Doc) Matson

B 69-70

Medic with "B" Battery in 69 – 70. Was at FB Birmingham

Arnie Cordova
Marvin McBride Unknown 66-68

Was first with the 2/35th Artillery and then the 1/83rd  Artillery. Marvin has passed away but his daughter (also a Veteran) is trying to get information on his Vietnam service for an Agent Orange related VA claim for Marvin's widow.

His Daughter
Marvin McBride Unknown 66-68

Was first with the 2/35th Artillery and then the 1/83rd  Artillery. Marvin has passed away but his daughter (also a Veteran) is trying to get information on his Vietnam service for an Agent Orange related VA claim for Marvin's widow.

His Daughter
Rich Moody HQ 66-67 Possibly lives in California. Rich Magin
John Purol Battalion 67-68 Battalion Sgt Major  
Phil Yarbourough B 68-69 Staff Sgt.
Possibly lives in Maine
Trying to ID those in this picture received from Larry Richins (69-70). If you know who any of these guys are contact me

Missing - not from 1/83rd

Trying to find the following Veteran. Please contact me if you have any information on his whereabouts.

- Roger Hoover (70-71).

It is believed that Roger lived in Little Rock, Arkansas before going to Vietnam and then in Charlotte, North Carolina afterwards as of 1976. His parents lived in Nashville, Tennessee at that time. One of our Kiwi mates is trying to find him as they were friends in Vietnam. It is not known what unit he was in but we think he was in a logistics role.

Our Dan O'Brien (69-70) is involved with this project. If anyone can identify this guy, please notify Dan.


Here are 2 other pictures of the same guy.

Picture 1

Picture 2



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