1/83 Artillery

Family News & Events



• Dan O'Brien (69-70) sent this.

"After our 1/83rd Arty reunion in DC,  I, with son, drove to Danville and met a man who was on a Chinook at 0200 hours delivering projo's to our gun crews. We met at a place called KICKBACK JACK'S. I presented Paul Sparrell with a WALL book signed by 10 - 1/83rd guys. He gave me a map of the A Shau and a set of orders for an award for the midnight run to Firebase Cannon on the 9th of 10 day siege of Hamburger Hill (aka Dong Ap Bia)."


• Larry Cantwell (69-70) sent along some good news regarding his son David.  David is in the Army and was just promoted to E7. David is an Army Chef who has prepared meals for some very important people during his service. Congratulations to David.


• Rex Hon (66-67) made a few visits on a road trip before our 2016 Reunion.

Rex with Mike Reetz (left) and friend.

Rex with Rich Webekind (center) and Bill Taggart.


• Rex Hon (66-67) recently road the "Tale of the Dragon".


• Al Saltzman (66-67) sent this photo which should be of interest to those of us who were at Nui Dat. Hoa Long was the village right down the road from Camp Everett at Nui Dat.


• Don Eikenberry (66-67) and his family recently were in Kauai Hawaii to celebrate Don and Trudy's 50th Wedding Anniversary.


• Don Eikenberry (66-67) sent these photos taken from his back door (Yikes!) during one of the recent storms in Western Kansas. Don't know how you ever get used to seeing these in your neighborhood!!


• Rich Webekind (66-67) welcomed Grandchild # 7 on Father's Day. Thomas Ignatius Webekind arrived on Fathers' Day morning.

Rich said, "Since neither his father or I am morning people, I'm wondering why he picked such an early hour. Mom, Dad and Baby arrived home and all appears well."

Congratulations to Rich and his growing family!!


• Allen Morley, one of our Aussie mates (67-68) sent this photo of a plaque dedicated to all the men who served in the 131 Divisional Locating Battery of the Royal Australian Artillery from 1966-1971.

Here is the accompanying note from Allen...

"You would have seen from recent Eyes and Ears that we were celebrating the 50th anniversary of our first soldiers departing for SVN. We were working with our “successor” Army organisation 20th Surveillance and Target Acquisition Regiment.  The weekend was a great success and after a dawn service on Anzac day morning we marched in Brisbane with troops from the Regiment.

 There will be a full report in this month’s Eyes and Ears. The picture shows the name plaque which names all who served in the detachment.

 Best wishes,


• Paul Picciuto (69-70) sent this photo of him and Dan O'Brien (69-70) at Camp Perry, Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie. Paul on the left.


• New laws expand when Veterans may salute. This article from the Feb-May 2016 issue of the Army Echoes Newsletter explains the proper conduct for military, veterans and civilians when:

a. The flag passes by.

b. When the national anthem is played

c. When the pledge of allegiance is recited.

Share this with your friends and family.


• Rex Hon (66-67) sent this photo of two Donut Dollies from 1966-67 at Nui Dat.



• Don Eikenberry (66-67) and his wife Trudy celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on March 15. A wonderful milestone!!


• Tom Bailey (66-67) and his wife Bonnie, on a cross county driving trip, recently paid a visit to Don Eikenberry (66-67) and his wife Trudy in Kansas. Tom is on the right and Don on the left. (this picture would have been greatly improved had they included their wives!).


• Paul Picciuto (69-70) and Clarence Tiffany (69-70) recently visited the Flight 93 Memorial in southwestern Pennsylvania. Paul is on the right and Clarence on the left.


• Click here to see a New Year's Photoshow of Ken Blank (69-70) and his family.


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