Recollections and photos from Roger (Koop) Koopman (68-69) at FSB Currahee |
Roger (Koop) Koopman (68-69)
HQ & A Battery
AND BEFORE ANY 8 INCH MADE IT INTO VALLEY...everything was flown in then...A
Btry was at Cannon and C Btry was at Bastogne...sometimes when out walking with
the ARVNs near Laos, the 175s were/was the only fire I could get...even with the
probable error issues...our guys shot good and were effective...great steel
When 2 NCOs were wounded when round literally hit near coming in the opening...I
just went out seconds before and was out directing ARVN direct fire at flashes
in the hills I saw...told others to stay safe under cover...who would know?
View of valley when coming in via chopper...see little brown
lakes...caused by naval 16" rounds as water table wasn't very deep
Man's got to clean up once in a while, headed for nearest stream
These great guys I was usually with in field throughout my time/tour and who
replaced 2 wounded NCOs
The best gun to adjust and bring in real pee with...loved it...hard to outrun an
8 inch