83rd FSB Roy

Dan O'Brien (69-70)
"A" Battery

"A" Btry went to Roy after "B" left to go north around Sept 69.  We found damaged or bombed out Pierced Steel Planking (PSP) and underground bunkers that were caved in plus a million rats that visited from the water area.  We took all that stuff out and made new bunkers.  Really enjoyed ROY after the 9 months out in the dirty and rainy Ruong Ruong Valley of Rt 547.  The sampans would putt putt a little too close while fishing all night in the bay and we would fire a shot across their bow to move them back out.  No it wasn't an 8 inch round but some small arms fire."

Johnnie Pearson (68-69)
"B" Battery

After seeing the website pictures of how FSB Roy looks today (also see photos below - Courtesy of Neal Schwartz) Johnnie sent along this comment.

"Looks just like the Roy I remember.  That little stone building was the FDC.  After a long day of shooting at Charlie, we’d take a dip in the pool before relaxing while we were off our 12 hour shift."

Editor's note: Perhaps Johnnie has been in the sun too much recently!

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Click here to go to the website for this resort


Map of FSB Roy in planning stages


Map of FSB Roy area in 2011


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