Camp Everett - Nui Dat
(After the 83rd moved to I Corps)


Recently I asked our Aussie and Kiwi members if they could fill us in on who moved into Camp Everett at Nui Dat after the 83rd went north to I Corps in Feb 1968. Below are responses that I have received so far.

Bob Billiards sent this along.

Bob was at Nui Dat from late Sept. 1967 to May 1968. He was part of the 131 Divisional Locating Battery of the Royal Australian Artillery.

"When you blokes left the compound we had a company (I think) of infantry from 7 RAR for a few weeks and when they left for OZ we had a company from 2 RAR as they replaced 7 RAR. It was a bit scary when they went on ops as there were only about 30 blokes in the compound and I always had my rifle cocked when walking down to the LP. We did have an incursion when 7 RAR were in the compound, probably recon of the base since the guns had gone.

Sometime in July the compound was given to the ARVN and so we moved out the infantry back to their normal lines and we (31D) were deployed to other areas of the task force base until I departed in September 68.


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