1/83 Artillery Update
December 14, 2014


1/83rd Unit News

1. Remembrance - December 29th is the Anniversary of the death of one of our 1/83rd Brothers who did not make it home from Vietnam, Clarence E. Everett, a Veteran of HQ Battery (1966). More on Clarence can be found on our website. Lest we Forget.

2. Trying to Locate - Does anyone have any details on the whereabouts of Capt Marshall Horowitz who was the 1/83rd Battalion Surgeon in 1967-68?

3. Request for Support - John Turner (68-69 "A" Battery) is having some health issues and could use our support. His contact info is on the Roster.

4. Fred (Doc) Paddleford - Dave is the brother-in-law of the late Charlie Bill Murnan (66-68). He passed along this story from Jacksonville, FL about the Education Center at “The Wall” which mentions our Doc Paddleford.  Doc is another of our brothers who never came home.

5. Australian Vietnam Veterans - I received a notice from Paul Dickson, the Editor of the Aussie Eyes & Ears Newsletter about an effort that is ongoing with the Vietnam Veterans of Australia. 25 of the Australian casualties of the Vietnam War were never returned to Australia for burial and this effort is trying to get those Veterans finally brought home to Australia.  Here is Paul's note to me...

"The following link to the "Bring Them Home Petition" was forwarded to us by Steve Boutlis.

The site is definitely worth perusing and the Petition is a must to complete as Bob Shewring (
Project Director, 
“Bring Them Home”, Vice President, Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia NT Branch) makes some very pertinent points about the putting a dollar value on lives.


We urge you to complete it.

More information on this effort can be found at that link. This is something we can all relate to and I urge you to sign this petition.

6. Veterans Affairs Services Event - December 17, 7-8 p.m. EST.

VA Presents:
From Service to Success
An Online Event Series About Benefits for Veterans

7. Troop Ship to Vietnam - there was a recent story in the Philadelphia Inquirer (the main paper in Phila) about an exhibit which has been on display in Phila. for a couple of months. The exhibit is some artwork found on a troop ship that took guys to Vietnam. A twist in the story is that some of artwork was done by someone from Phila only known as "Little Ty". A few people have tried for some time to track him down. I hope to get to see the exhibit soon but I thought you would enjoy the story. Any of us who went to Vietnam on the Edwin D. Patrick can relate to this story. Here it is.

8. Unit Merchandise - See section below.


Be sure to let me know what is going on in your life so we can share it with everyone in this section. See the latest 1/83rd News by clicking here.

Photo of the Week

Service Battery - 2014 Reunion

Don Eikenberry, Don Longtin, Joe Castellano, Danny Sandoval, Bill Morris, Otto Aliffi, Jay Schweer (L-R)

General News

1. I recently updated the "Rules & Regs" document, if anyone would like an updated copy, let me know.

Interesting Links and More

1. Danny Sandoval (66-67) sent this video titled "The Hornet Ball". The Hornet Ball is an annual event consisting of all the West coast Naval F-18 Hornet and Super Hornet squadrons, their pilots and guests. Each year's ball features a video compiled from the squadrons' year of flying in both combat and training missions. Some tremendous sights in this video.

2. John Ward (70-71) sent this story Photos From the Vietnam War: Lost and Found. Note, that when you first click on this link you may first see an Ad. You can wait for it to finish or you can click on the "Continue" button on the upper right of that screen.

Website Updates

1. There have been several updates made to the website since the last update. I am now finally caught up on the backlog but, if you find that I have missed something you sent to me, let me know.

2. There are 3 new "Reminiscences" in the Unit History section that I think you will enjoy.

3. If you come across anything that you think may be a good addition to our website let me know. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the website, let me know.  

4. Check out all the latest updates by looking at the website Table of Contents.

Vietnam Veterans of America Update

1. VVA Update for December 5

2. VVA website

1/83rd Merchandise

Unit Merchandise - The proceeds from Cap, Decal and Patch sales will go to the Reunion fund.

a. Unit Crest Patches (same patch as has been available 3.25"h x 2.75"w - $6 each. Here is a photo.

b. Unit Crest Decals (Decal is round 3.5" x 3.5") - $5 each. Here is a photo.

c. 1/83rd Caps (Adjustable) - $20 each. Here is a photo.

If you are interested in any of these items, send me a check. Make sure you supply your mailing address.

If you want an 83rd Artillery Unit Crest Pin, I have a link on the website where you can order them from one of the 3 vendors listed. I have bought from all 3 of them and they are identical in quality, all are very good. Please note that Uniform Accessories will ship 2 for one price where the other 2 only ship 1 for almost the same price.

1/83rd Roster

Review your entry on the website Roster and let me know if any changes are necessary. If your email stops working, I cannot reach you if you have incomplete contact details on the roster.
Missing members of the 1/83rd Help us find those former 83rd members who haven't found us yet!!

I am sure that each of us has someone they would really like to reconnect with. If we all pitch in, we may find many more of our old buddies. Here are some ways to do that:

1. If you are in contact or have contact info for any 1/83rd guys please contact them and tell them about our group or at least tell me and I will contact them.

2. Look through the roster on the website and if you know of others who are not listed, let me know who they are. Also, if you see any incorrect or missing info (including your own entry) let me know.

3. If you have copies of old orders tucked away someplace, send me a copy so I can make sure those names are on the roster.

4. Sometimes all it takes is a name and location and we can find someone but the more details we know the better our chances.

Rules & Regs For a current copy of Rules and Regs, go to Contact Us and submit your request.
Advisory If you get an email from and it has a website link included anywhere within the email, most times you should be able to just click on the link and you will be taken to the website. Sometimes however, the link will not work because, in sending you the email, the link is deactivated although it is still usable. If this should happen, another way to use the link is to copy and paste it into the address line on your browser. Please be sure to let me know if you have any questions on this.

Please make sure that your email system allows emails to be received from both of my email addresses, bill_t_08012@yahoo.com  and artillery_83rd@yahoo.com

Please note that there are no blank spaces in email addresses. What you see in mine between words/characters is the underscore (_) character.


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