Vietnam Artifacts & other Nostalgia


Basic Training 1967

A look at Army Basic Training 1967 (funny, I don't remember Basic being this warm and cuddly).

C-Rations and P-38

A look at Army C-Rations and the very functional P-38 can opener.

C-Ration Cookbook

C-Ration Cookbook - Another Look

Courtesy of the McIlhenny Company
(makers of Tabasco sauce)

Courtesy of Michael Monfrooe USA Ret
(E/3/506th-“L” Co. 75th Rangers 101st (70-71)

Hygiene In the Highlands
(Courtesy 1/92nd Artillery)

Explanation of the term "Shit Burning"
By Then Sergeant Gil Goltz (
1/92nd Artillery)

Ed note: This story is priceless.

Military Currency

5, 10, 25 Cent Military Payment Currency (MPC)
(circa 1966-67).

(Courtesy of Jimmy Hales)

A Pocket Guide to Vietnam

This booklet was issued during the Vietnam War to familiarize soldiers and sailors arriving in country about the history of the country as well as its customs, people, etc.

(Courtesy of the Virtual Museum of the Vietnam War Website)

A Pocket Guide to Vietnam (Australian Version)

This booklet was issued during the Vietnam War to familiarize soldiers and sailors arriving in country about the history of the country as well as its customs, people, etc.

(Courtesy of the Website)

Malaria Pills

Who can forget these?

Mess Kit

This original Vietnam Mess kit was personalized by Rex Hon and given to some members of the 1/83rd. This is the one he gave to Bill Taggart.

Military Slang

(Link Courtesy of Rex Hon)

Officer's Compass

(Courtesy of Neal Schwartz)

Short-Timers Stick

Many short-timers in 1967 acquired this version of a short-timers stick from the Vietnamese locals.

(Courtesy of Bill Taggart)

Special Pin Walt Noechel (69-70) sent along info on an item that you all will want to add to your collection of military pins and patches. I know that many of you will want to have this pin.

Click here to order.

A Special Yankee Candle

(Picture provided courtesy of Don Aird)

"Waste" Disposal

The "Recipe" for proper "Waste" Disposal, courtesy of Tom Bailey (66-67).

Welcome to Vietnam

The first week in Vietnam, this handout was provided.

(Courtesy of Dan O'Brien)

Vietnamese Currency

and more

Vietnamese Currency

and more

Vietnamese Currency

500 Dong Note (circa 1966-67).

(Courtesy of Rex Hon)

20, 50, 100 Dong Notes (circa 1966-67).

(Courtesy of Winfred Langley)

5, 10, Dong Coins and 5, 200 Dong Notes (circa 1966-67).

(Courtesy of Jimmy Hales)

1/83rd Lighters

Souvenir 1/83rd Lighters.

Zippo Lighters
More on the Zippo - part 1

More on the Zippo - part 2

A brief history of Zippo Lighters.

(Part 2 link courtesy of Dan Sandoval)


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