You may notice a slight change to the cover
page of the Newsletter starting with the December 2011 edition. There is now an
additional logo on the cover, a red and blue box with the number 47 embedded. I
asked Paul Dickson the Editor of the Newsletter what that represented.
As is often the case with our Aussie mates,
the answer was quickly supplied by Paul and Ernie Newbold (both honorary members
of the 1/83rd). Ernie is a tremendous resource and has answered other questions
that I have posed and has enlightened me and the group on several issues.
Here is Ernie's explanation...
"Australian army vehicles all
carried a tactical vehicle sign, generally referred to as "tac signs"
which indicated the unit to which the vehicle belonged. The coloured background
indicated the "corps", in this case red over blue, indicated an artillery unit
and the number indicated the particular battery within the corps.
In our
case, all vehicles belonging to 131 Div Loc Bty carried the tac sign of
47 over a red and blue background.
Any towed vehicle such as trailers
and guns would also be fitted with
the units tac sign. Tac signs were
also used at Nui Dat as "signposts"
to indicate the various units
location within the task force area.
See 2
pictures below.
here to see a discussion which
followed regarding these pictures. |