
Military Misc. Reference
Army Historical Foundation
National Museum of the United States Army
Books for Soldiers Census 2010 Data
(Link provided courtesy of Neal Schwartz)
Camp Roberts Historical Museum

Camp Roberts Photos

The Camp Roberts Historical Museum is the largest Army museum in California. The Museum is the repository for the entire history of one of America's largest and most historic Army installations.

(Link provided courtesy of Greg Sachnewycz)

Honor Flight Internet Rumors and Scams
Department of the Army Publications and Forms Department Human Statue of Liberty
(Courtesy of Rich Webekind)
Teach Parents Tech

This website was created by Google to help with many common PC questions. It contains more than 50 two-minute videos with step-by-step instructions. You can even send a tech support "Care Package" to others via email.

Field Artillery Museum (on Facebook) Made in America

These links help you find products Made in America.

American suppliers and American manufactures of construction materials

Consumer Products

(Links provided courtesy of Jim Braun)


Provides Google street view, area photos, local traffic conditions, a map measurement tool, and driving directions. Use vPike street view to acquaint yourself with an area before you go there or you can call up places from your past to see what they look like now. vPike also has a driving simulator that enables you to simulate a drive-by of an area while you watch the street view scenery.

Fort Sill (on Facebook) Military Art-George Finley World Time Zones
(Courtesy of TimeTemperature.com)
Fort Sill Museum Brochure - PDF Move Over America (Driver Info)  
Fort Sill Museum Brochure - Photo My Favorite Places (US) Website  
Kilroy was Here

He is engraved in stone in the National War Memorial in Washington, DC, back in a small alcove where very few people have seen it. For the WWII generation, this will bring back memories. For the younger folks, it's a bit of trivia that is a part of our American history. Anyone born in 1913 to about 1950, is familiar with Kilroy. No one knew why he was so well known-but everybody seemed to get into it. So who was Kilroy? Click the link to find out.

My Favorite Places (Australia) Website  
Military Equipment Specifications Music (Jukebox) from all eras
(Link provided courtesy of Walt Noechel)
Military History Online
(Link provided courtesy of Neal Schwartz)
Music of World War II
(From The 44th Eng Regt, WWII)
(Link provided courtesy of Dan O'Brien)
Military Manuals, Books and other documents
(Link provided courtesy of Steve Prest)
Old Time Music
(Link provided courtesy of Ken Blank)
Military Times 45 RPM Records and their original Label from 1950-1989  
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
(Link provided courtesy of Don Aird)
Old Time Cowboy Website
(Link provided courtesy of Dennis Mack)

Stars & Stripes Website

Stubby the Military Dog    

Taps Origin


Taps Bugler

US Army Website    
US Army - Center of Military History    
World War II Army Air Forces Officers Manual
(Provided courtesy of Neal Schwartz)
World War II
32nd Bomb Squadron
World War II in photos    
World War II D-Day Landings

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