1/83 Artillery

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Click here to see a Christmas Photoshow of Ken Blank (69-70) and his family.


• Dan Tvenstrup (66-67) sent these photos of a towed 8-inch howitzer at the Towns County, Georgia Veterans Memorial Park. In case you were not aware, the 1/83rd was a towed 8-inch Battalion at Fort Sill before becoming a self-propelled unit before going to Vietnam in 1966.


• Dennis Donati (70-71) sent this.

"I'm beyond PO'd. A few days ago there was a letter in the local paper from a vet who said that when he first tried to join the VFW many years ago, he was told he didn't qualify. Viet Nam wasn't a war. I think we all heard that at some point.

Today this letter appeared in the same paper. http://triblive.com/opinion/letters/8825298-74/vets-vietnam-war#axzz3iB0QGQcc

That prompted me to write this reply:

I would like to respond to Thomas Haugh’s letter, “WW II vets right.” Mr. Haugh’s letter was right about one thing, WW II and Viet Nam were totally different conflicts. Beyond that he seemed to miss some important details.

For one thing, those who served in WW II had the support of the vast majority of Americans. Early on the media turned public opinion against the war in Viet Nam. Instead of parades we were welcomed home by curses and spitting.

An average 11 Bravo (Infantryman) in the Pacific theater in WW II saw about 40 days of combat in 4 years of combat. An average 11 Bravo in Nam saw 240 days of combat in one year.

Yes, some rear areas (if you could call anyplace a rear area) were able to hire locals. Those same locals had to be watched like hawks. In the year that I spent in Nam, I never had the pleasure of a visit to a Super Walmart. I’d like to know where Mr. Haugh was stationed that he doesn’t feel that he was in a real war. I suggest you take a trip to Washington, D.C. and count the names on the Viet Nam Memorial, all 58,275 names, of comrades who really weren’t in a war.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of talking to many WW II vets. Each one of them is a hero to me. What I have found is that what we have is a mutual respect for each other. They have come to accept Viet Nam for what it was, a time when Americans were called to serve and we responded.

Yes it was a different war, but it was a war all the same. And the men and women who served in Viet Nam have earned their right to belong to any vets organization.

Dennis Donati
Viet Nam, 70-71"


• Roger (Koop) Koopman (68-69) recently sent this summary of a 2005 visit to the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington DC. It also was a Reunion after 40 years of some childhood friends of Koop. Pictures are included also. Click here to view the PDF file.


• Bob Billiards, 131 Divisional Locating Battery of the Royal Australian Artillery (67-68), sent this 1970 article from the Stars and Stripes newspaper that talks about Nui Dat and differences between the way that the USA and Australia conducted operations in Vietnam and Phuoc Tuy province specifically. Click here to view the article.


• Don Eikenberry (66-67) passed this along. It is truly a sad commentary.

"Vietnam veterans with Agent Orange diseases continue to march into the Vietnam Wall to join their fallen brothers. These men and women will not be remembered as fatalities of the Vietnam War. Their names will not be engraved into the Vietnam Wall...yet they are still victims of the Vietnam War. These veterans have died slow deaths BECAUSE of their country and won't be remembered for dying FOR their country. This is truly a gripping photograph of the Vietnam Memorial in Rochester, New York.
If you would...please email this to your local congressman or Senator. It would send a strong message for the families of Vietnam veterans who have lost their lives to Agent Orange.
Thank you,
Ben Norman - As of 9/12/2015 this post has been shared 181,284 times."


• Al Saltzman (66-67) recently visited the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor in Museum in New Windsor, NY and sent these pictures.


• Don Eikenberry (66-67) sent this picture of a Memorial Brick at the war memorial in Scott City, Kansas.


• Dennis Donati (70-71), 1/83rd resident mountain climber as seen in a recent trip to Carlisle, PA. Denny is proudly wearing his 1/83rd cap and some unusual T-shirt, something to do with a repeat Super Bowl winning team in western PA, the Steelers I think!


• Al Saltzman (66-67) was the Grand Marshal of the Memorial Day parade in his hometown of Marlboro, New Jersey. Al received a Purple Heart in 1967 while serving with the 1/83rd at Nui Dat.

Al sent along these comments on this experience...

"It was truly amazing and a honor being the Grand Marshall representing the sacrifice of our armed forces. It turned out I also laid the ceremonial wreath in two townships. I also did not forget to mention the 1st Battalion 83rd Artillery in my speech. I said the brotherhood and bonds we established will live forever."

Click here for more photos of this event.


• Don Eikenberry (66-67) sent this picture taken from his back porch. Why he was not in a storm shelter is another story!


• Dennis Mack (66-67), Commo Section, HQ Battery passed away on April 15, 2105. Our condolences go out to Dennis's family.


Sandra Tiffany wife of Clarence Tiffany ( A Battery 69-70) passed away March 26, 2015. Our condolences go out to Clarence and his family.


Al Saltzman (66-67) was just asked to be Grand Marshall in this years Memorial Day festivities in Marlboro, New Jersey. Al received a Purple Heart in 1967 while serving with the 1/83rd at Nui Dat.

Al called this honor "...a humbling experience, I feel very honored and proud to be selected."

We are proud of you as well Al and are looking forward to some photos of the big day. Congratulations!


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