I'm Proud to be a Veteran!
As a veteran I know well...
The risks that our troops take...
Guarding our great nation...
For we know what is at stake!
Our warriors work around the clock...
Whether here or miles away...
And their mission is the same...
To protect the U.S.A.!
I've done that while on duty...
With millions much like me...
And was proud of our great sacrifices...
Whether here or across the sea!
No matter where we were...
Your freedom remained our goal...
And any veteran who ever served...
Will stand proud to tell you so!
We veterans young and old...
Share a special bond...
That time cannot erase...
Though it seems to march us on!
So on this Veterans Day...
Please remember who we are...
We're the warriors who know "Old Glory"...
And fought to protect her "Stars"!
By Bob Beskar
Vietnam War Veteran |